• have you ever have a dream,
    that seems so surreal that you cant help but dont want to wake.
    maybe thats just some of us others would want to wake up instanly.
    The feelings you have build up inside you lingers throughout your head.
    being left unfaze, confuse, struggling
    or Amaze, thrilled, and cant wait for it to happen.
    we all have different set of emotions in every dream that we can seem to rememebered
    even if were just bits of jagged imgaes that can mean nothing
    but really have you ever taken a time
    to realize what your dream could of meant?
    maybe its just our desires or its just
    parts of our waking life that we may struggle
    and tried to get out of it as we dream happy thoughts.
    Really have you ever stop to realize maybe your dream is telling
    you something that can lead to surprises?