• No more struggling
    This is the end
    One swift movement
    And she's on the floor
    Bleeding and broken
    Defaced and disgraced
    Who is this women now?
    Screaming and crying
    Helpless and pleading
    Stop, no more. Plz!
    Her cries fall on deaf ears
    As he swings away
    Beating at her
    Until she stops crying
    When you can't decipher her from the blood
    He smiles maliciously down at her
    Letting her know her place in life
    Spattered with her blood
    He lands one more kick
    Then carelessly walks away
    What happened to the life she once had?
    The man he used to be...
    How did she end up like this?
    An empty shell of who she used to be
    Lifeless on the floor