• Have you ever thought
    Have you ever seen
    The sadness in a young childs eyes
    Have you heard their whispers
    Have you heard their cries!
    Their dreams and wishes
    vanishing in the night time skies.
    A young girls heart
    Shattering to peices
    A small baby's heart
    dies out and ceases.
    Can you hear
    The cries of the children
    Can you hear
    Their prayers in the breeze?!
    Can you understand
    Their pain and Sorrow!!

    To the cries of lost children
    The sadness of many
    The world lives
    And thrives
    From this Misery.
    Can you feel
    Their pain
    Can you hear
    their pleas
    Can you see
    Them on theyr knee's
    The sadness that flows in theyr blood
    Is the happiness in ours.
    Can you feel
    Their pain?!
    Can you feel
    Their Pain?!?!
    Feel their misery
    Feel their sorrow
    Feel the sadness that beats.
    Can you hear
    The cries of lost children
    echo in your heart
    Can you feel their sorrow......
    Can you feel their pain...............