• as the landscape dissolves
    as I sweep up the last of the leaves and nuclear power
    nuclear power no thanks
    a century of the piano
    hey what are you doing tomorrow night?
    Office chart for grey dewy mornings
    age of StuPid StupID StuPid
    too afraid to think out of their isolated political fuzzy cloud
    bank holiday
    office chart instead of rain
    business business trip
    I've been blown about for years
    A horned reptile that is crawled upon the earth
    with a mighty hand
    the tumbling system
    choose high quality
    no one will play scrabble with him
    might come in handy
    close encounter
    pinholes in america
    have you seen it?
    enviromentals ect ect ect
    diamond hoo ha men
    tiny vices
    which would you rather be doing?
    it is raining again.