• your lips sink ships
    wen our hips touch you just wanna ********
    i cant blieve this s**t im running a muck
    i wish you tha best of luck in this place
    im always gunna be know as tha disgrace
    my chest is heaving im barely breathing
    i feel like i got hit by a bullet
    believe me im dying
    stop yer crying im leaving
    forever and never coming back
    this place called planet earth
    is seirously ******** wack
    six feet under
    through tha thunder
    its where i belong
    im never gunna be strong again
    im not a warrior
    i dont have a bow and arrow
    i wanna leave and go to tha afterlife
    and live it as a sparrow
    talk your talk to me
    you will always be narrow minded
    this is tha way were now devided.
    so just crawl till you walk
    walk till you run
    run till you are strong enough to jump
    then fly till there is no end
    back to love.
    nikki naive.<3

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