• (song)

    I hate you for cutting yourself-
    I hate you for being depressed all the time-
    I hate that you have no life-
    I hate you for being weak-
    I hate you for crying at night-
    I hate you for being quiet-
    I hate you for not knowing love-
    I hate you for being emo-
    I hate you for writing poems-
    I hate you-
    I hate you-

    You should die-
    You should suffer-
    Your sick-
    Your gross-
    You have no friends-
    Your nothing-
    You will always be no one-
    No one will ever like you-

    I hate your face-
    I hate your clothes-
    I hate your writing-
    I hate your voice-
    I want to kill you-
    I hate you-
    I hate you-

    Love always,- Yourself.