• I cut my wrist and it hurts,
    My life is slowly flowing out of me
    as my blood drips down to the floor
    but the pain is the only thing that I can feel
    I feel so numb the pain is my only savior
    so why is that so wrong?
    I cut my wrist and know all my problems
    will go away for that one moment as the pain hits me
    that one moment is all I need to let myself go.
    I think about letting myself go and just let my blood
    drip to the floor as my life drains out of me
    as I'm dying I think of how no one will notice
    and one life won't be missed
    as I'm dying I think about how happy I will be,
    then as my life is nearly gone
    I think about the pain and how I am now free from this world
    of pain and sorrow.
    I cut myself to make myself happy because no one will notice
    just one cut is all it takes to get rid of my life and no one will ever notice.