• Every time I think of you, my heart is all a flutter.
    All the time I'm with you, I feel like I could fly.
    Is this really what love feels like?
    I've never felt like this before, the way my heart soars when I see you.
    The way your eyes sparkle when you laugh, takes my breath away.
    I seem to be trapped in this silence, as I look into your eyes.
    The pain I felt my whole life, is gone now.
    I can see more clearly, and the smells I smell are so much more appealing.
    I'd cry at night to see you, and if I ever missed one chance, I'd let go of the whole entire world, just to hold your hand.
    The pain I feel without you, is only temporary, because when your back in sight again, I'm as happy as I could ever be.
    I say weird things sometimes, just to hear you laugh.
    You make me feel like a whole person again, and I'd like to have you back.