• Theres days I can't stop thinking of you
    Theres days I completly forget about you
    If only you could read this,
    You'd know what you did

    We were happy
    Joyful and in everlasting bliss
    I figured this would never end
    Too bad it was too good to be true

    People knew me as your shadow
    I was getting tired of it
    People knew me as nothing
    I was getting mad

    It was too late,
    You took the first swing
    You sent the first bullet
    I laid there and cried

    That one fateful nite
    The nite where it all went down
    It started with a text
    And ended with a tear

    You said you didn't love me
    You said you didn't care
    I said how could this be
    I said please be lying

    You threw away my heart
    After you promised to protect it
    You threw it away
    And didn't stop to take a look back...

    Today I can't stop thinking about you
    Today I wish you were here
    Today I wonder if he who is here now
    Wouldn't of existed if you would have stayed

    Somehow your hold on my heart still lasts
    Even though another has agreed to take care of it
    I can't stop thinking about you
    The promises you made...

    The promises that were broken.