• i see the tears the in the eyes the lust, the pain.
    but i can do nothing but watch in the rain.
    im not a soilder im only 15 barely getting older.
    i watch from the side lines as they give the orders.
    theres only 2 beats of the heart but it always gets shorter.
    why is it that we can't have peace where are the weapons of destructural peace. oh wait did you say a mistake what we fightin for having my older brother die. its like instead of targeting a head with the gun, he only lead it to himself and now he's Gone because we pushed too far and now i see him on his death bed only thing i can do is cry, my brother said "little punk wipe the tears from your eyes" i said why they said you are gonna die but he said "but they can never take my soul, even when im dead i'll look after you bro" so thats all i heard from him and now he's gone.
    i wish i had wish to rewind time and stop him from doing this...