• Hold it together,
    Birds of a feather,
    Nothing but lies and crooked wings,
    Nothing but pain and sorrow...

    I have the answer,
    Spreading the cancer,
    You are the faith inside me
    Please don't leave me to die here, help me survive here...alone...

    Put me to sleep,
    Evil angel
    Open your wings,
    Evil angel...

    Im a believer,
    Nothing can be worse,
    All these imaginary friends,
    Hoping to find the savior...

    No, Don't leave me to die here
    Help me survive here, alone,
    Help me to get through this
    When all odds are against me...

    Put me to sleep, evil angel,
    Open your wings, evil angel,
    Fly over me, evil angel
    Why can't I breathe, evil angel...