• Urban Jungle

    Trees forum its glittering pillars.
    Houses forum it‘s sheltered roof
    It’s population it’s devoted worshipers.
    Sun glazed building forums its highest achievement.

    Mechanical beasts room its streets
    When the vale of darkness
    Eliminates its lights.
    Covering the star from sight.

    Its gods protect its nature and culture.
    Dragons that make its cherry blossoms bloom.
    The six handed lifts her hand to the sky.
    Creating bangs and crashes.
    Echo’s thought its night.

    Ancestral spirits guards its people.
    And talismans keep its devils away.
    The Tokaloshi’s fear it’s criticism.
    While art reflects it positive array.

    Its sun grabs devoted followers
    Its music show it’s vibrate essence
    While hidden secrets bring delight.
    While it’s shadowy past threaten the ancient.

    Its old ruins crumble away.
    While new are written in its sands.
    Its calls of hope
    Bring a dawning of a new age.
    While a curse is lifted from it’s once darkened land.

    By Rurouni Dark Wolf


    Population (People who live in the city)
    Mechanical beasts (Cars)
    Dragons (Water Breathing Dragon Gods of the Chinese’s culture)
    The Six handed (The Hindu Goddess of light)
    Bang and crashes (Fireworks set off to celebrate Diwali (Hindu festival of the lights)
    Ancestral spirits (Most African cultures believe in Ancestral spirits protecting them for witchcraft the appearance of baboon is normally a bad omen because it is believed to only appear if witchcraft has been preformed.)
    Tokaloshi’s (A monster from African stories. In this case it is describing our countries political figures)
    threaten the ancient. (SA has a very brutal history and that constantly threatens to our country’s New found democracy.)
    Its sun grabs devoted followers (Our weather brings in a lot of tourism)
    Its old ruins crumble away.
    While new are written in its sands.(The old Government system is slowly fading away while a new one is taking its place)

    PS: Sorry I made a mistake Esnomocka means snake.