• A Silhouetted figure is standing before me
    Hand held out in my direction
    I want to reach out and take the hand

    But Im scared
    scared of what will happen
    If I turn back now...
    will everything truly be ok?

    Will I be able to go on like everythings normal?
    Everything wont be normal I know that for certain
    So I turn around...
    Another Silhouetted figure
    Another offered hand...

    My mind is whirling with confusion
    crumpled by fear
    and paralyzed by doubt

    I close my eyes
    not because of fear
    not because of doubt
    but because I cannot choose...

    Which path is the one for me?
    which hand should I grasp firmly and never let go...
    Now I turn away from both of them....
    But then another...

    I quickly glance around myself...
    3 figures
    all offering their hand to me

    I slowly stand
    but I become dizzy and fall
    but I do not hit the ground like I supposed I would
    I suddenly feel 3 strong, firm grips on my arms and back

    I look up and see their dark faces
    I cant recognize them...
    I dont know what to do...
    Im so confused...

    When will I really ever figure out which hand to grasp...
    which path to take...
    which one is right?
    who is it that will save me from myself?