• A warrior gilded in great strength,
    Manages himself at great length,
    At the sight of a young rising warrior,
    Comes to a challenge losing the best of his courier,
    With the end of a physical battle,
    A second one is sung on strings of gossamer prattle,
    With the rising winds of time,
    A battle ensues at which its meaning,
    Is more than a high strung rhyme,
    Where a single noticed warning,
    Can be knotted tightly to all of a great many sign,
    For as the nearing of the next battle,
    Fear creeps into an iron suit with a never ceasing rattle,
    Revealing a boastful warrior’s endless prattle,
    Transforming his definite opaque personality,
    To a well facetted diamonds clarity,
    Explaining all that was thought to be of great rarity,
    Within the warrior a war is fought,
    With casualties whose value is greater than of what can be bought,
    With a battle near,
    Fear flanks him at the rear,
    In attempt to retain his honor,
    A ferocious rage takes the wheel and begins to steer,
    Temptation to use what ever is necessary,
    To reach success,
    Unleashes a dishonored beast of furry,
    Gaining only to himself enemies in an increasing flurry,
    Though the success was gained,
    Many more failures were gathered,
    Causing the warrior of old,
    To become maimed in more than a bushel of stories to be told,
    By dishonoring himself in mind and body,
    A realization comes in time,
    From recollection and remembrance of past mistakes,
    Humbled as a nobody,
    With waterfalls of tear lakes,
    And chest beating earthquakes,
    Wisdom of past’s folly returns honor,
    Leaving enemies of old with questions to ponder,
    And even more answers than that of the numbering,
    Of the stars filling the heavens,
    For out of his past’s folly,
    And dishonor,
    Came a knowledge to facilitate and,
    Understand those in need,
    But though the warrior who is now a wise-man,
    Learned through pain and dishonor as a mere man,
    He still has a great many lessons to learn,
    And he will always have a bucket list to fulfill that is of great need,
    For there is still more lessons to learn,
    And great warnings of which he must take heed,
    Avoiding to stand still unlike the musicians reed,
    Which plays musical warnings of disaster in the wind,
    But whilst not flee and stands rooted where disaster strikes,
    And ends up as nothing more than opposite of what it likes,
    Though able minded,
    He is handicapped in the thoughts of those by which don’t listen,
    But will when trouble strikes revealing immense regret,
    Their ignorance of the truth is their downfall,
    And not all survive,
    But those who do,
    Restart as a crawl and increase to a run,
    And teach lessons to those puffed up,
    Whose boastfulness is fun,
    The tale of a warrior always has an end,
    But the lessons taught and learned,
    Never end and have a value far greater than of what be bought,
    For this generation and afterwards,
    This warrior’s lesson must be understood,
    And not ridiculed with laughter!