• Drink It Away

    I put the bottle to my lips
    I drink away the pain
    In hope I get a glimmer of the truth

    I chug it down
    I want to erase the thoughts
    Even if it is for tonight

    It burns as it goes down
    I grasp your photo
    Knowing you are not around

    I place the bottle down
    The tears flow without control
    I just was to see you

    I pick up the empty bottle
    Fire of regret eats me from the inside
    Life is no longer certain

    I throw the bottle across the room
    Why cant I walk away
    This is not good for me

    I hear the bottle shatter
    It was simple
    It just was not meant to be

    I lean back on the couch
    Your substitute will be home soon
    He will never be you

    I pass out on the couch
    Thinking how do you look to the present
    When your past is in Kodak