• You make me swoon,
    You dastardly songstress!
    You bring such light and joy to my heart,
    I want to be there with you,
    To take you in my arms and hold you,
    To feel your soft fragrant hair beneath my finger tips,
    And to tuck myself against your pliant warmth.
    When we are older, and no longer separated by distance,
    I want to walk with you along the sidewalks of Paris,
    Along the sea side of Sweden,
    Along the beaches of the Keys,
    I want to steal you and me away from the business of the world,
    And hitch out our fandom decorated gypsy caravan to a star,
    And travel the world, hand in hand.
    I want to dance with you in the moonlight
    Along the glittering shore of some far off country
    Where we can leave our troubles and the world behind,
    Starlight magnificently shining in your eyes.
    I have my dreams, you bring them out in me,
    The escapist fantasies of worlds that never were
    Giving way to the entirely too possible fantasies,
    Of Always and Always,
    Always and Always with you…