• Once a mistake is made, it can never be undone.
    Like a ghost, it haunts you.
    At first it’s vivid in your mind, even the insufficient details.
    Later it’s vaguely remembered.
    The basic idea, and reason it was an error is permanent.
    It never leaves you.
    Regret continuously pokes at your mind and heart.
    Next you become numb.
    You wonder why you made this risky move.
    Your heart reminds you.
    Confidences surges powerfully over you for no apparent reason.
    Then you mind speaks.
    Logic and reason overpower your emotions.
    What a relief.
    There’s this particular moment, you don’t recognize at first.
    It’s realization.
    You remind yourself you could have handled it differently.
    Oh well.
    Fate, the reason for everything that occurs, is valid.
    Logic and fate wins.
    In truth there is an important step in destroying regret.
    Forgive yourself.