The eternal feeling of being abandond,
the eternal guilt of a mother abandonding a child,
the eternal sorrow of that abandonded child is only a fragment of the eternal abyss that swallows me up and haunts the saintity of my very being,
I cry , I beg, as the tears fall spontaniously down the valleys of my face as the Nile River,
Yet, I am still here despite the eternal doupt and jealousy that the human race has so inhumanly adopted as a way of life,
YET!, I am still intact despite the never ending, never altering, never evolving discrimination of mankind,
stare (sigh) and yet i still cry and beg as a large abyss of hatred, sorrow, and anger begin to form from the tears tha so heavenly fall spontaniously down the valleys of my face as the Nile River, as i stand tall before the Houston, Texas, The United States of America, North America, The Northen Hemispher, The World, The Milky Way Galaxy, The Universe; for everyone and everything to accept me for who i am. ME!