• I cry
    I cry harder
    I cry harder in the dark
    I cry harder in the dark knowing no one cares
    I cry harder in the dark knowing no one cares because I am not worth it
    I cry harder in the dark knowing no one cares because I am not worth it, I never really was

    I cut
    I cut deeper
    I cut deeper into myself
    I cut deeper into myself knowing it fails to bring death
    I cut deeper into myself knowing it fails to bring death because it is all I know how to do
    I cut deeper into myself knowing it fails to bring death because it is all I know how to do, that’s all I was ever taught

    I feel
    I feel worse
    I feel worse for being me
    I feel worse for being me, a failure
    I feel worse for being me, a failure at everything everyone else masters naturally
    I feel worse for being me, a failure at everything everyone else masters naturally without even struggling

    I bleed
    I bleed more
    I bleed more all over the floor
    I bleed more all over the floor creating puddles of bloody tears
    I bleed more all over the floor creating puddles of bloody tears, leaving stains on white carpet

    I die
    I die sadly
    I die sadly in March
    I die sadly in March near the end
    I die sadly in March near the end with only a few souls as witness
    I die sadly in March near the end with only a few souls as witness, the tree and the rope in which killed.