• In the dark of the night
    There came to me
    A vision of bright lights and sound
    In front of my eyes
    A stage was illuminated
    As a shroud of fog billowed in
    From amid the shroud
    There came forth one
    Bearing mighty rods in each hand
    Then there appeared in front of him
    An immense drum
    Colored blood red
    With rods in hand
    The one struck the drum
    In rapid rhythmic succession
    He laid down the beat
    For his fellow mates
    Who followed soon thereafter
    As I continued to watch
    There came forth two more
    Each with an instrument their own
    One played low and provided a beat
    Much like the drummer before him
    The other played high and provided a tune
    To complete the ensemble of sound
    Their music permeated
    The air all around
    As from the darkness
    Another came forth
    This one was different
    From his brothers before
    For in his hand
    A mic was firmly gripped
    He is the Speaker
    The one with the message
    He has come to share it with all
    So listen well
    You audience of one
    For they perform
    For each individual
    Open your heart
    And embrace their words
    So your lips may embrace
    A smile