• hey!

    your ugly!

    why you acting that way

    well do you have something to say

    uhhh yea i found out that my boyfriend was gay

    come on this will cheer you up

    lets go to the bay

    hey its ray

    then i saw my arch enemy

    her name was may

    i hated her

    but really she was a really good surfer

    never mind i cried

    i spoke to the guide

    he looked happy

    but i looked shabby

    but right in the docks i saw gabby

    wats wrong

    maybe ill just sing a song

    i ordered some fries

    but wat was taking so long

    i hated my life i want to kill my self

    i went to the kitchen and i saw a knife

    i said no i wont kill my self life is good

    but not gratittude that i had no idea what that was

    but it sure rymes with Atittude
    emo burning_eyes talk2hand pirate rofl 4laugh mrgreen neutral rolleyes twisted evil cry razz mad lol cool confused eek surprised sad wink whee xp heart sweatdrop stressed scream gonk blaugh 3nodding xd stare crying redface smile biggrin