• By: Oakley Langley

    On this cold, foggy night,
    I hide in the shadows
    And pray, for the morning light

    For the sins, of days past
    Are coming to feed,
    And there moving fast

    While they feed, I cower and hide,
    For they grow,
    From those poor souls who died

    I’m forced to hide, for I have sinned
    I shed the blood,
    Of my own kin

    I was warned, but I did not heed,
    I had to save my son, from this world,
    Of lust and greed

    Ungrateful gluttony, my un-wavering pride,
    Has left me scarred,
    And now my fate is tied

    Sloth and envy, over took me,
    Now I fear, the merciless damned,
    For I must pay my soul, the ultimate fee

    I fell victim, to my rage
    I took it out, on those around me,
    I hurt I pillaged, no matter the age

    I thought my sins were cleansed, by the holy one God,
    I was lied to,
    The holy ones a fraud

    Now my sins drag me down, I try to yell,
    But not a sound,
    I must suffer now, in my hell