• Punctual I'll never be,
    But perhaps a punctuation?
    Adorning, changing meaning
    Of your next well-versed creation:

    I am too meek to exclaim,
    Not quite so bold as to declare
    Lest I be placed beside your name
    My courage just may find me there!
    ///////Or interrogative perhaps?
    ///////I pry and probe for signs of me.
    ///////My heart hasn't a doubt in you,
    ///////A question mark I'll never be.
    //////////////A semicolon tethering
    //////////////Interdependent thoughts;
    //////////////Speechlessness of pregnant pause
    //////////////As if three stomach knots...
    /////////////////////Parentheses asphyxiate,
    /////////////////////(Smother with their caress)
    /////////////////////Periods are too austere,
    /////////////////////They punctuate with stress.
    ////////////////////////////A dash I'm rather sure I'm not-
    ////////////////////////////Flight isn't in my nature.
    ////////////////////////////There doesn't really seem to be
    ////////////////////////////Symbol for my nomenclature.
    /////////////////////Apostrophes live to possess
    /////////////////////But dropped along the line
    /////////////////////At the feet of all your words,
    /////////////////////I'm yours, like you mine.
    //////////////A comma is what I will be,
    //////////////A fleeting breath of air.
    //////////////Here I am, and there I go
    //////////////As though I were never there.
