• I think I can feel your arms…
    I think I’m smiling….
    I think I want to be with you,
    I think this is about more than a bet.
    I think for just now I can forget the past…
    I think I can grow from that dark place…
    But what I think could be wrong; there is always of course what I’m not sure of…
    I’m not sure if my heart is in this
    I’m not sure if you’re going too fast,
    Or if I am moving to slow.
    I’m not sure what you want from this,
    And I’m not sure if I can pull this off…
    Am I just being childish?
    Holding on to memory from so long ago?
    Letting my fear get the better off me?
    Was this what you expected?
    Is it the girl from the day before that you liked?
    Am I just being paranoid?
    And then there is what I do know.
    I do know that something between us has to change if we want this to last.
    And I do know that that something has probably got to be me….
    I’m so scared…