• Standing there all alone,
    You might as well have been a stone.
    I watch as you smile, a fake smile,
    Your true smile: has not been seen for a while
    I See it in your eyes.

    Others walk past you,
    In this morning dew,
    saying "You Do not deserve to be here"
    When to me it is clear
    I see it in your eyes

    You belong here, By my side
    Because we both must be on this ride,
    Set apart because of who we love
    If only this Problem would be given to a Dove
    I see it in your eyes

    You were Brave to tell
    While I was too frightened to speak,
    I Watch you until the bell,
    I know you have reached the peak
    I see it in your eyes

    The problem began when you spoke
    The truth, because they had to prode and poke
    You are free from secrets, while I am still scared To stand
    I should be by your side the two of us, Hand in Hand
    I see it in your eyes

    You ready to surrender, are not alone,
    You believe To be free,
    You must turn to stone,
    I could set you free, If only i were brave enough to be me
    I see it in your eyes

    I wish I had the courage, To walk,
    To you, To Speak to you, To bring you some cheer,
    That I know would've been all you needed to hear
    If only i had the courage to talk.
    I see It in your eyes

    I must rush To decide
    Yet I cannot, The answer I see:
    I must be at your side,
    Because this is a burden we both, in it must be
    I see it in your eyes

    My Foot lifts from the ground
    I walk to you
    Through the morning dew
    I step before you, Waiting for a sound
    I see it in your eyes

    Your tears about to fall,
    As we stand in this crowded hall,
    I smile at you
    "I am too"
    I see it in your eyes

    Your eyes begin to shine
    A true smile forms,
    Now I know You are Beauty, Divine
    I reach out and take your hand,
    I see it in your eyes

    You understand
    That From now on i will stand
    By your side
    and together we will endure this ride
    I see it in your eyes

    People stare as we walk
    People Stare as we talk
    Now we walk through the halls, Hand in Hand,
    I am glad I made this stand,
    I see it in your eyes