• It's over...our objective to maintain a life worth living has crumbled into the ugly smell of sulfer.

    I've made my descision.

    Tonight I welcome you to heaven on earth.
    Take a seat, Welcome To The Neighborhood of Make Believe where the party never ends.

    Lets pop pills. relax.
    Try and see through your troubles.
    Lets pop pills. relax.
    Try and see through your trances.


    Ello I'd love to introduce myself. My name is Ecstasy.
    Let me take you away.
    Let me comfort you.
    Let me kiss a hole in your brain.
    I'll charm you with my love but you have to really want me.

    Before me the world changes.
    Torture has it's slimy grasp on my neck with ectasy screaming lustfully to it's touch.
    Will I see tomorrow?


    Ello I'd love to introduce myself. My name is Ecstasy.
    Let me take you away.
    Let me comfort you.
    Let me kiss a hole in your brain.
    I'll charm you with my love but you have to really want me.

    I'm falling ,Falling Slowly.

    When the clock strikes midnight the forever forgotten will appear.
    All will be tacit.
    We will lose ourselves to the ugly taint of ecstasy.
    Out of the mist will erupt the truth of the lies we are all living.
    Let the ectoplasm of the forever forgotten drip down the walls of our minds reminding us that thy darling drug still flows strong ......... Hoping that the beauty of the hallucination stays with us we'll tread.