• She gave freely
    She asked for nothing
    She helped everyone she could
    She was always trying

    I remember looking into her eyes
    The first time I ever saw her
    She just stared back
    And said, child, you already know too much
    Then she drove a run away 9 year old child home
    I'd been missing for 3 weeks

    Bad things followed me
    And my dad got worse and worse
    I remembered the way to a kind person's house
    So on my way I went

    Oh, that twinkle she had in her eyes
    When I showed up on her doorstep
    Only just a year after I'd first shown up
    She looked me over and sighed
    And told me " child, ain't enough kindness in this world
    Gonna keep that man from hurtin you"

    I already knew that
    But I just looked at her
    And she ushered me in
    Gave me clothes and food

    The next morning I was back at home
    And my dad slapped me
    He beat me and called me worthless, a trouble maker
    He asked why the hell "an old black lady" drove me home
    I had enough of all his crap
    So I punched him as hard as I could and told him to learn some manners

    The next week I got a major surprise
    Waiting at home, right on my porch, was that angel in disguise
    When she told me she was moving next door to help me,
    I was so happy I started crying

    I moved to her home
    And she helped me get through my troubles
    She didn't care what my dad said
    She didn't care what he tried to do to her
    She helped save me from a monster
    Even though it cost her her life in the end

    Here I am, 9 years after I met her
    She was apparently murdered
    And my dad is the main suspect
    I couldn't be less surprised if i tried

    That angel in disguise, my personal savior is gone
    But i have a feeling she was my guardian angel
    And she's still watching over me
    That thought makes me happy
    And I know if I told her, she'd ook at me, laugh, and say
    "Child, only a real angel could find the one person that will help them,
    Maybe I'm here because god knew an angel needed help"

    This woman was my best friend,
    I'll miss her so much.
    Whether or not if she believed it
    She was an Angel in disguise