Poetry And Lyrics
| Submitted on 06/27/2010 |
I miss you so much, Grandpa, it’s tearing me apart
Everywhere I go I see your face, hear your voice, feel your hug.
I wish I could have been there with you the day you died,
That dreadful morning when your heart ceased to work any longer
I wanted to hold your hand and have you smile at me saying, “It’s alright, Baby Girl,
I’ll see you on the other side.”
You never yelled or got angry,
You kept your bad feelings to yourself.
You loved everyone and everything in the world and wanted to share it with me.
We had many things in common and many things not
Even when we didn’t share a love, you were with me the entire time.
I was your only Baby Girl.
Are you proud of who I am?
Do you know who I’ll become?
Will you be looking down on me, making sure I’m all right?
Making the right decisions for the rest of my life?
Will you be watching over your Baby Girl?
You will never see me graduate
From high school or from college
You will never see my wedding day
Make fun of the man I marry.
You will never see me give birth
And make some joke about my Baby Girl.
I miss you, Grandpa, that’s all there is to it.
You were the light of my world and I’ll miss you every day of my life.
I know you’re peering down from your throne in Heaven
Smiling at me as I write this thinking,
“I love you, Baby Girl,
And you can do no wrong.”
Baby Girl
I wrote this about my gradfather who passed away last December.
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