• How is it that I
    can never find what I
    must at night?

    I go to bed with my head and
    I try to fall asleep.
    Never before have I had this much trouble with
    that I can never get.

    The door is swinging and
    the door is creaking but
    it never shuts so
    it keeps ajar.

    The light that enters my room is
    so warm on my pajamas that
    I feel safe under the guidance of my parents but
    there is still a feeling of dread that
    never seems to leave my side.

    The door is swinging and
    the door is creaking but
    it never shuts so
    it keeps ajar.

    When will the light fade for my eyes to shut
    so that the night can escape from
    my mind and my sight
    so that my dreams can take flight?

    The door is swinging and
    the door is creaking but
    it never shuts so
    it keeps ajar.

    The night is still and
    the air is crisp and
    the life is gone but
    the fear is here and
    the evil is residing but
    the light from the door that
    never shuts
    keeps those that would take away that which I long for
    every night.