• As i aimlesly wander through a shadowing ravine filled with luminecent roses, i stumble out of the dark into a lush garden with a gaping sea in the background. The air thick with moisture from the sea trickles a salty hue upon my tongue. As i start to glare into the vast ocean, my hypnotic gaze is adverted by something more ravashing, a beautiful woman sitting helpless on a cliff surrounded by the consuming waves beating againsed the side. I take a long breath of relief as i look into her deep brown eyes and relax, i notice her smile, as though calling for me. Her body, one of a supreme divinty saved for my soul. As i call out to her my heart pounds with desire for she is the epitomy of gorgeous, i sprint towards her, closing my eyes grasping her in my arms, holding her with a firm love. I think of an eternity within this mystical place, with only us to be free and with each other forever. She calls to me as though she is not there, and as i start to open my eyes i feel her slipping away in a vapor, and all i can hear is her faint call in the wind. As she dissapears i notice i am all alone once again in this mysterious garden, only to chase her through the cosmos until she is mine, and we are together