• Everyone always craves something they can’t have
    Everyone has something they don’t want
    They keep it for themselves so others can’t have it
    Why they do it is because they love to toy with others
    Why we toy with each other comes into life.
    Life has become the battle for power
    What do we do with the items we don’t want?
    We toy with everything on that thing to make other jealous.
    But what happens is that we become fond of that thing more and more each day.
    Soon we want that thing more but for all we know that thing will just turn on you.
    After it is gone you will be left alone and each memory fades away.
    You wonder if this was a long dream.
    You know it isn’t because you feel the tears fall from your face.
    That thing has left you for the person you tried to keep it away from.
    This warm feeling you are feeling is the love you felt for it.
    How can anyone really comprehend love?
    To comprehend love you must comprehend hate.
    Maybe then you will reunite with that thing you desperately want.
    Comprehending it is easier said than done.
    You have to suffer from mental pain.
    The worse pain there is.
    In the end this pain has lead you to the answer you so desperately wanted.
    The thing you wanted you could not get so you replace it with a new one.
    The new one could not supply you with such fond memories.
    You soon want your new thing.
    Your only want it to replace the scars the last one left.
    Even if the wounds heal the marks are left there forever.