• I use to be broken, alone, never
    gave a s**t. You showed me
    laughter, happiness, that life
    was worth living. I was on the
    edge, hanging my a thread, about
    to fall. You gave me your hand,
    lent me a rope to climb, and
    brought me to safety. I never
    thought I would see the day where
    my eyes opened and I was happy to
    be alive. To know that you were
    there for me was enough to pull me
    through the day. I started to
    dream again, dream of the day where
    I'd finally be able to hold you.
    Finally be able to comfort you and
    call you my lover. You glued
    together my heart, and even had the
    patience to hold it together to dry.
    You were there with me every step
    of the way, whether you knew it or
    not. Let my words touch your heart
    as you have touched mine and remind
    you that I love you, and that there
    isn't a day that passes by where I
    don't daydream about you.