• warm crismon liquid making a stream
    moving down and on to the sea of gray
    colour fading in a wirl of words spraying
    the mermorises slowly slip away
    i know they're not screaming but why is she bleeding
    a sudden voice echoes in their minds
    haunting and teasing , fooling and dreaming
    yet the warm crismon liquid still flows
    leaving a red trail as it dryes it darkens
    leaving all the lifeless in the mind of the fallen

    Suddenly awaking onlly to figure
    it was a nightmare in hell
    the bleeding was nothing the screaming fading
    down the hall
    the darkness in the room covered by white shadows
    sudden bump in the night sending shivers up their spine
    like a zombie feeding
    the murmurs follow
    and so does the nonsence
    which doesn't continue

    Eyes completely hollow
    are you sure your dreaming
    when the maggots are creeping over a body
    on the kitchen floor
    the reeking smell of rotting decay
    the mess of blood on the walls an there written
    bold and dark is " THEY LIE ALL THE TIME! "