• I had a dream
    I was falling into cotton clouds
    Of lullabies
    With strawberry sents
    But I fell through
    And I didn't have wings
    So I stole them from a dove
    But they turned black
    And they called me the raven
    Then my feathers fell away
    And I plumeted to the earth
    And my skin turned to scales
    Then I landed in the ocean
    And swam with the currents
    And my scales were like rainbows
    But my fins became legs
    And I couldn't breath the water
    Bubbles blurred my vision
    Until I saw the trees
    And golden apples speckled the leaves
    Then I learned to sing
    My voice became flowers in the air
    Then I looked into the sky
    Missing my old home
    And cried tears of silver
    waiting until I could fly agian