• I hear them on my window sill
    Sending news of winters chill
    Making music for me tonight
    Songs of sweet lullabies

    "Its time to sleep"
    The raindrops say
    In their own special way
    "Its no longer time to play"

    I close my eyes to go to sleep
    And dream of rainbows so sweet to eat
    The raindrops slow their steady beat
    The night becomes a lonely street

    The sun sent them all away
    Morning comes to greet the day
    Sending my dreams far away
    All my fears left in yesterday

    The sun shines in and I look out
    Smile and without a doubt
    A rainbow stands so big and proud
    Replacing all the dreary clouds

    Although they had to go away
    The raindrops will come another day
    But as for today
    I really can't say

    I'll just let the rainbow lead the way