• Spare me the daisies, Save me the rose

    To have a dream
    For me are nightmares
    Running, chasing
    Oblivious and unaware

    When I start running
    I see nothing but delight
    So I keep running
    Into what I thought was light

    My heart pounded against my chest
    As my feet screeched to a stop
    My mouth dropped open in horror
    As my heart began to drop

    The dazzling image in front of me
    Was nothing more than lies
    I tried running back
    As I started to cry

    A daisy landed at my feet
    As I ran from the sight
    The petals fell down
    Obliterating the precious sight

    As I ran faster and faster
    Away from the memory of depression
    The ground began to fade away
    Leaving me stuck in suspension

    As I fell
    I felt a hand grab my hand;
    Pulling me back up
    To a steady area of land

    As I gazed at what I saw;
    A young man, dressed in black
    Extended out his hand
    And handed me a rose

    Not wanting to stick around
    He turned and left with a smile
    Knowing that he managed to save another person’s soul
    …while carrying a second rose with him…