• i am alone and hurt
    I wonder why this happened to me
    i hear myself screaming in my head for help i don't want
    I see him day after day
    i want for it to have never happened
    I am alone and hurt
    i pretend i'm happy and smiling
    I feel hopeless and numb
    i touch the childhood i should've had, not the one i got
    I worry that I won't be able to get over this
    i cry for what he did to me
    I am alone and hurt
    i understand i should tell my mother,my brother or anyone but i won't
    I say I'm okay when I'm not
    i dream about a day when i can forget and be happy again
    I try to trust my boyfriend when he did nothing wrong I can't though because of the person who hurt me first
    i hope to be happy like i was before
    I am alone and hurt.