• The black flame,
    the goddess to blame

    her black plague,
    ...her tireless siege

    no more...
    no less...

    but ash be all that is left,

    she brings forth sorrow,
    she brings forth strife...

    she leaves no sign of life...

    not a single tear is shed,

    as she slowly...
    bit by bit..
    puts you to your ephemeral death...

    the black flame of bigotry,
    is all that will be left of thee...

    you'll be on scorched but bended knees...

    the black flame...

    never to be put out...

    it will never die...

    amaterasu's eternal cry...
    ...it follows...
    until the day you die..

    Original Composition by: (pen name) Axel J. White

    Special Thanks to: eisengod and jwidget (thanks for the image; i owe you)