To not respond,
    To have no emotions be shown,
    To give off no reason,
    Is nothing but a puppet; a toy.
    A soul is suppose to be the life of a person,
    But if you have no soul,
    What does that make you?
    It makes you nothing,
    You vanish; disappear.
    Never to have been known,
    Never remembered; forgotten.
    While you suffer,
    Everyone goes on,
    So why continue to live,
    If it only leads to the end?
    They say live your life,
    But what's the point if it ends?
    You gain nothin.
    Efforts wasted.
    Love lost; gone.
    But people do so,
    Because that makes them real.
    They feel their emotions,
    Others couldn't care for,
    Others couldn't obtain.
    Which is why,
    You do what you must.
    Become real,
    Earn love,
    Make enemies; obtain friends.
    Feel pain,
    Then feel peaceful.
    Earn your life,
    Don't become a puppet.