• I was once like you,
    a pure hearted soul full of joy.
    But when I opened my heart to others,
    they came in and destroyed it, shattering it to peices.

    I ran from them but they followed,
    I could not escape until an oppertunity came and i was allowed to leave.
    I fled to a new place,
    a place said to be safe.

    What i found was more of the same,
    hate, pain, ridicule, these were my daily supplements, my life.
    I felt broken, defeated as they laughed at me,
    Then you came and made the laughs go away, I was free.

    Finally my light at the end of the tunnel had come,
    you had come and slowly my heart had begun to rebuild itself, peice by peice.
    Your heart strengthened mine and together it seemed we could conquer anything,
    but everything happy has an ending and through my own stupidity and selfishness I lost you.

    Now I cry out in pain as my guilt breaks my soul and my heart shatters once more.
    I don't expect you to return and neither do I expect I deserve it.
    Perhaps i shall roam the darkness of the tunnel once more,
    or perhaps sit and wait for you to return.

    I was once like you,
    Pure hearted and happy.
    But through my own sellfishness my happyness was lost.
    I am sorry for my actions, for the light may never return.

    I was once like you, but not anymore.
