• She was so young
    They should have know
    Not to hate her like they did

    For she soon began to believe
    What they said about her
    That she was useless
    That no one loved her

    Hearing this she asked
    Why was I born?
    Just so people could
    Have someone to make fun of and hate.

    After years of hearing this
    She too begins to hate herself
    She wants nothing more than to die
    To rid the world of the her
    To end all this pain she feels inside

    She thinks at night
    Of ways she could kill her self
    She comes up with so many
    shooting herself
    Drowning or suffocating herself
    Hanging herself
    Stabbing herself

    All these things run through her mind
    Every night as she lies awake
    Thinking of how to end it all.