• Did you find what you were looking for?
    As you kissed the surface of every pore.

    Did you turn off the lights, when you felt a spark?
    As we unconsciously dwelled into the depths of dark.

    Spiraling out of control, our natural instincts commence.
    And anything that has to do with lust becomes common sense.

    No words are spoken from now on, just the language of touch.
    Oh how I wonder when this infatuation became too much.

    As my mouth caressed the soft curves of your lips.
    With a stroke my skin it melts; but at my heart it rips.

    Fingers intertwine, and our tongues do a lovely dance.
    I guess it’s true when they say destruction is led by a heartfelt romance.

    Time no longer exists in the sanctuary underneath the sheets.
    As I whisper “I love you” at every particle of your skin it meets.

    Kiss me now, as our adolescent instincts take over.
    If your love was a drink, I’d never be sober.

    You may teach me how to move, how to twist and turn in pleasure.
    As I in turn teach you there is affection that cannot be measured.

    No secrets are hidden, in our darkness there is only truth.
    Oh how naïve we are in our lust-yearning youth.

    My heart flutters at every touch; your scent is all I breathe.
    I manage to find your lips again, making you reluctant to leave.

    Our skin mesh together so perfectly it’s hard to tell which one is ours.
    As beautifully-spent minutes feel like heavenly-spent hours.

    Who knows what tomorrow may bring, all I can think about is now.
    As I grab a hold of my realistic dream before it dares to escape somehow.

    But this is real, this is all real and I can feel it in our sweat-glittered skins.
    The process of two bodies desperately trying to connect their souls begins.