• a girl of sweet aroma
    walked by the other day
    it put me in a coma
    when she asked me where she could stay

    i told her of a place
    to which she could reside
    a place of divine grace
    instead of outside
    she told me she had no money
    and asked if she could stay with me
    as i was lonely
    i said it can be

    we went to my house
    and talked for a bit
    she told me of her mouse
    and how she loved to knit
    we then ate dinner
    then went to bed
    as i laid thoughts a simmer
    she came to me in my head

    the smell of her perfume
    and words she spoke
    made me feel a love which surely loom
    and my heart which she poked
    but when i woke
    everything was gone
    but the smell of her perfume

    so i laid back down
    and rested my head
    with on my face a frown
    fortunate enough to still have a bed