• Someday…
    I wanna sit and watch a flower bloom
    In the center of a grassy field
    With nothing but me and the wind
    The soil will feel so good between my bare toes
    And the grass as soft as my mother’s hands
    No laptop, no television, no cell phone, no worries, no pressure
    Just calm, blissful inebriation
    I wanna roll in the dirt in white clothes
    And sweat, and sweat, and sweat
    Till I ain’t got no fluids left
    I wanna hold my breath till I get light headed
    And my lungs turn inside out
    Then gasp for air like I’m drownin’
    I wanna push my hand into the soil
    Till I’m elbow deep and pull out a root
    Then swallow it and hope something grows inside of me
    I want branches to spread from my body like extra limbs
    And birds to nest behind my collar bones
    ‘Cause I’m tired of these robots
    Telling me what I’m not
    And the muscles that my back knots
    I’m sick of these city blocks
    And all these silly clocks
    Thinking they can tell me what time it is
    When I’m the one who dials the sun

    Someday I’m gonna fly outta here
    Right out the window
    My arms will be wings and my head a typewriter
    Yeah…I’m gonna fly
    Then I’m gonna write
    Then I’m gonna die, happy
    In the middle of a grassy field
    While a flower blossoms
    With nothing but me and the wind

    (c) Curtis Davis