• Well, here I go,
    This might be the last time I will write about you,
    I'm in New York waiting for you to come,
    Then on Friday July 22, 2011 I found out something sad,
    You're with a new owner in Virgina,
    I felt pain in my heart when I heard that,
    No wonder nobody told me about this,
    I just wish you will always remember me and my family,
    How we both played together,
    How you barked really loud and scared the boiler man,
    I remember when you swam when you were 7 months,
    Your first Halloween day,
    How you kept hiding under the blanket because you were afraid of thunder and lightning,
    When you were really sick and I helped you get better,
    When you fought our cat Demon,
    You always won,
    I love you forever,
    You're always in my heart,
    Please don't forget these memories,
    And one memory i will treasure forever is....,
    A Yorkie Teacup puppy named Bella that came into my life,
    Who fixed problems,
    Who made me have faith forever,
    I love you Bella, I hope I will see you again.