• Life has a way of passing you by,
    Escaping your tenacious grasp, hard as you may try,
    It slips away, as ephemeral as a sigh,
    Just so, you can be sure the ones you love will fly,
    Oh so high, in Paradises endless clear skies.

    Death has a way of sneaking up on you,
    It will find all of us out of the blue,
    Vanishing from our world, people you never knew,
    But regret doesn't belong, to Paradise they flew,
    If anything, know this to be true.

    Most people live their lives in varying shades of gray,
    But a few people light the world, a warm suns ray,
    Bringing their joy and love to all they know,
    That when they are gone, we must fight of our woe,
    But Paradise is waiting, so forget your remorse.

    When your courage fails you and your heart feels like lead,
    Remember the good times past and look to times ahead,
    If you look, comfort will find you at your weakest,
    And you will find joy again, even when times are bleakest,
    Pain is strong, but love is an even stronger force,
    Paradise is waiting, when life has run its course.