• The times for which your fat a** aches
    have passed along since you and I
    entered this Earth,
    and there is now a distinct dearth
    of iron-fisted rule by girth
    these days domestic life is more
    a lazy fatass and a whore
    both searching questionable sites for more
    of the "love" they married one another for
    The American Dream is, at its core,
    quite different from the one you bore
    me to death twice over about at night
    with my ears bleeding and my eyes on the light
    to burn out the images of our previous fight
    from my corneas, retinas, cones and rods
    from my irises, pupils, ends and odds
    and all the while this big fat sod
    goes on and on about loving God
    about exalting and praying to His hot bod
    about faithfully serving and questioning not
    about cooking and cleaning and all that rot
    And when He's done, I suppose I ought
    To put a mattress in the kitchen
    To get on one knee and pray to Him
    for salvation from my blatant sin
    of refusing to oblige this ungrateful sod
    in placing my lips around his fatass rod
    --one of them bloodied, my eye bruised black and my neck clawed
    --to stroke his ego and then applaud
    the relationship which is by now flawed
    beyond repair.
    Hey listen you ungrateful sod,
    if there's a Hell, I'll see you there
    but not before, not anywhere
    I'd sooner date a rabid bear
    than see your ugly bovine face
    your premature receding hair
    and hear that whiny petulant voice
    It took some thought, but I made my choice
    it took some though, but not a lot
    no, not a lot, not much of any
    when it comes to assholes, there are not many
    which trump you, the God, the king of all...
    ...Give me a break. Suck a fat one, Paul.