• i wish i could create a face to show the emotions growing with in me at this very moment...
    so you could grasp and enjoy the idea....
    im lookiing around me, not sure what im staring at....
    not realizing how quickly time iz passing me by.....
    its like my mind haz binn turned off,
    eyes sealed shut,
    im alert , but not completely ...
    or in all aspects,
    who knew you could lose track of time while feeling trapped in what i refer to as being perhaps a dream or unconsciousness ,
    how do i classify this repetitive thought that continues haunting and teasing me?
    makes me feel rather bothered, slightly violent,
    ow make this go away,
    you are the cause and your absolutely responsible,
    i beg you not to take it personally..
    but ide truly adore the fact....
    that you are aware it is all your fault <3