• here is something so unequivocally uniting about the beat of a drum, the strum of a Guitar, the flow of a singers voice ringing out across the plains. There is nothing more powerful, then the sound of music. Music in of itself is the only force of nature that rings out where ever life itself exists, be it the call of a bird, the whale-song, or a crickets chirp. All of us experiences music in it's many forms, everyday. One can live in the rural backwoods of Georgia, and still get up and dance to sounds of Log-drums played on the Savanna of Africa. Just as a tribe of peoples from the Jungles of South America, will unite their voices with the strum of a sweet guitar. All peoples, all creeds, all political leanings, all religions, all of us swing, sway and dance when the music begins and the beat drops. Our hearts flutter, our minds open; receptive to emotions suppressed, memories forgotten. All it takes is the uniting sound of song.