• Lurking within this dark, twisting nether,
    Some semblance of stark, withheld together.
    Limbs wave thoroughly, throughout the mist,
    Trembling, shaking, simply a gist.
    Crying and moaning, echoes throughout,
    This antiquated feeling, embarks upon doubt.

    Searching, gazing, rubbing their eyes,
    Obnoxious, unnerving, demeanor arised.
    Their fallacy constantly tax the fallen,
    Intoxicants settle, like lingering pollen .
    Plowing the ground and sewing the seeds,
    Paradox grasped their intention of greed.

    Watching, waiting, plotting the worst,
    Critical censorship, shouldn't come first.
    Thoughts pour from the stem, to exacerbate,
    These intriguing words, merely demonstrate.
    What is it among us that causes insanity,
    Ridiculous notions, intentional vanity.